Items where Author is "Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti"

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Number of items: 15.


Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2023) Anemia in Pregnant Women during COVID-19 Pandemic in Selayar Islands Regency, Indonesia: Socioeconomic and Dietary Factors. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 363-373. ISSN 2651-4702

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2022) Kinerja Satuan Pengawasan Internal di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Sitti Khadijah I Kota Makassar. Window Of Publich Health, 5 (3). pp. 677-684. ISSN 2614-5375

Abbas, Hasriwiani Habo and Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2022) Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi dengan Metode Learning by Doing. WoH (Window of Health), 5 (1). pp. 91-101. ISSN 2614-5375

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2021) Assessment the conyrnt of Methanil Yellow and Boraks at Traded Food market in Makassar. Medico-Legal Update, 21 (2). p. 325. ISSN 0971-720X

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2021) Family Interaction in Adult Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Care In The Kaluku Bodoa health Center Working , Area, Makassar: A Qualitative Study. Medical and Biomedical Studies, 5 (2). pp. 2589-8698. ISSN 2589-8698

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2021) Pengaruh Kinerja Perawat Dan Sarana Prasarana Terhadap Keselamatan Pasien Di RSUD Kota Makassar. Window Of Publich Health, 1 (5). pp. 437-445. ISSN 2721-2920

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2021) Pengaruh Remunirasi Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Labuang Baji Kota Makassar. Window Of Public Health, 1 (5). pp. 493-501. ISSN 2721-2920

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2020) Hubungan Kepatuhan Perawat Dengan Penerapan 5 momen Cuci Tangan di RSUD Kabupaten Buton Tahun 2020. Window Of Publich Health, 1 (4). pp. 394-403. ISSN 2721-2920

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2020) Perception and social, cultural, values as strategis for improving men including vasectomic KB programs in Tamalatea district, Makassar city. Current Advanced Research, 9 (1). pp. 20860-20862. ISSN 2319-6475

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2018) Kemampuan Membayar Yuran BPJS Bagi Masyarakat Pekerja Sektor Informal (Studi Pada Tukang Ojek Dan Becak/Bentor) Di Kota Makassar. Promotif; Jurnal Kesehatan, 8 (2). pp. 165-172. ISSN 2503-1139

Conference or Workshop Item

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2019) Penerapan Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) Hand Hygiene Pada Tenaga Kesehatan Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit DR.Tadjuddin Chalid Kota Makassar. In: Sinergis Multi Disiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (SMIPT), 26-27 Juli 2019, yayasan Pendidikan dan Reseach Indonesia.

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2019) Aspek Penilaian Hygiene, Sanitasi Depot Pada Air Minum Isi Ulang. In: Sinergis Multi Disiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (SMIPT), 26-27 Juli 2019, yayasan Pendidikan dan Reseach Indonesia.

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2017) Faktor Related to Human Reliability Case Study : (Workers in units BTG Boiler, Turbin, Generator) PT Semen Tonasa Biringkassi Port Pangkep District 2019. In: Icon-ITSD, 2017, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Muslim Indonesia.

Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2017) Identification and Risk Assessment of Enviromental Sanitation in Lae-Lae Island, City of Makassar. In: Icon-ITSD, 2017, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Muslim Indonesia.


Nurbaeti, Nurbaeti (2022) Antropologi Sosiologi Kesehatan. Cahaya Bintang Cemerlang. ISBN 978-623-6032-21-3

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